Since 1989 the CBEP conference series has been a venue for a self-organized community of researchers to share and discuss the latest and most innovative ideas about Paleogene Earth systems. Following on the very successful
Snowbird, Utah conference of 2017, CBEP 12 will be the next installment of this series, hosted at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, at the University of Bremen, Germany, on 22-25 August 2022.
Researchers worldwide who are pushing the frontiers of our knowledge of the Paleogene, and the immediately adjacent Late Cretaceous and Miocene, are invited to present their research in five thematic areas:
- Habitable Planet: Learning from Past Environments
- Climate, Paleoecology and Paleodiversity
- Biogeochemical Cycles
- Tectonics, Surface Environments and Hydrological Processes
- New developments, applications and results of Paleoproxies
Registration and
abstract submission will open on
21 March 2022!
Dowload circulars and follow updates at the
CBEP12 webapge.
Logo by T. Westerhold