Annual Report 2007 of South American Regional Committee on Paleogene Stratigraphy
The South American Regional Committee on Paleogene Stratigraphy sponsored the Fifth Argentinean Ichnologic Meeting and Third Ichnologic Meeting of the Mercosur, held on March 28-30 (2007) in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, organized by the Laboratorio de Geología Andina (chairman: Dr. E. Olivero). During the meeting, several papers on Paleogene ichnology were presented, particularly a symposium was held on the evolution of the terrestrial ichnofauna of central Patagonia, coordinated by J. Genise. The marine Paleogene outcrops on the Atlantic Coast of the Tierra del Fuego Island were visited in a three-day post-meeting field trip.
Reported research on the Paleogene reflects activity mainly in Antarctica, Argentina and Colombia. In Argentina, research to identify series and stages boundaries and events is continuously carried on, sometimes with difficulty due to the absence or scarcity of index fossils.
Papers published:
Casadío, S.; Parras, A.; Griffin, M. & Marenssi, S. 2007. Borers and encrusters as the presence of hermit crabs in Antarctic Eocene gastropods shells. Antarctic Science 19(3):297-309.
Rodríguez Brizuela, R.; Marenssi, S..; Barreda, V. & Santillana, S. 2007. Palynofacial approach across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in Marambio (Seymour) Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 62 (2):236-241.
Panti, C.; Césari, S.; Marenssi, S. y Olivero, E. A new araucarian fossil species from the Paleogene of southern Argentina. 2007. Ameghiniana 44 (1):215-222.
Marenssi, S.A. 2006. Eustatically-controlled sedimentation recorded by Eocene strata of the James Ross Basin, Antarctica. En: Francis, J.E., Pirrie, D. & Crame, J.A. (eds.), Cretaceous-Tertiary high-latitude palaeoenvironments, James Ross Basin, Antarctica¨. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 258:125-133.
Goin, F.J.; Reguero, M, Pascual, R., Von Koenigswald, W., Woodburne, M.O., Case, J.A., Marenssi, S., Vieytes, C. & Vizcaíno, S.F. 2006. First Gondwanatherian Mammals from Antarctica.. In: Francis, J.E., Pirrie, D. & Crame, J.A (eds), Cretaceous-Tertiary high-latitude palaeoenvironments, James Ross Basin, Antarctica¨. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 258:135-144.
Tambussi, C.P.; Acosta Hospitaleche, C.I.; Reguero, M.A. & Marenssi, S. 2006. Late Eocene penguins from West Antarctica: systematic and biostratigraphy. In: Francis, J.E., Pirrie, D. & Crame, J.A (eds.), Cretaceous-Tertiary high-latitude palaeoenvironments, James Ross Basin, Antarctica. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 258:145-161.
Bond, M., Reguero, M., Vizcaíno, S, & Marenssi, S. 2006. A new ¨South American ungulate¨ (Mammalia: Litopterna) from the Eocene of the Antarctic Peninsula. In: Francis, J.E., Pirrie, D. & Crame, J.A (eds.), Cretaceous-Tertiary high-latitude palaeoenvironments, James Ross Basin, Antarctica. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 258:163-176.
Malumián, N. & Olivero, E,.2006. El Grupo Cabo Domingo, Tierra del Fuego: Bioestratigrafía, paleoambientes y acontecimientos del Eoceno-Mioceno marino. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, 61(2):139-160.
Olivero E. & Malumián, N., 2007. Mesozoic-Cenozoic Stratigraphy of the Fuegian Andes, Argentina. En: Geology and Geophysics of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego.Field-Trip Guide Booklet. Geologica Acta vol. 5, nº 4.
García López, D. A. 2006. Un singular notoungulado Eoceno del noroesteArgentino. Ameghiniana 43 (4): 39R-40R.
Hongn, F.; del Papa; C.; Powell J.; Petrinovic I.; Mon, R.; Deraco, V. 2007. Middle Eocene deformation and sedimentation in the Puna – Eastern Cordillera transition (23º-26º): Control by preexisting heterogeneities on the pattern of initial Andean shortening. Geology 35 (3): 271-274.
Bayona, G. & Jaramillo, C.A. 2007. Resultados paleomagnéticos en unidades del Paleogeno de Colombia y oeste de Venezuela y posibles usos para caracterización de contactos. Geología Colombiana 31:57-72.
Bayona, G., Cortés, M., Jaramillo, C., Ojeda, G., Aristizabal, J.J., & Reyes-Harker, A. 2007. La deformación pre-neogena de la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia definida por depósitos de antepaís. Boletín de Geología UIS 29:51-60.
Bayona, G., Jaramillo, C., Rueda, M., & Reyes-Harker, A. 2007. Paleocene-middle Miocene flexural-margin migration of the nonmarine Llanos foreland basin of Colombia. CT&F.
Harrington, G. & Jaramillo, C. 2007. Paratropical floral extinction in the Late Palaeocene-Early Eocene. Journal of Geology 164:323-332.
Hawkins, B.A., Felizola Diniz-Filho, J.A., Jaramillo, C.A. & Soeller, S.A. 2007. Climate, niche conservatism, and the global bird diversity gradient. American Naturalist 170, Supplement, S16-S27.
Morón, S.; Montes, C.; Jaramillo, C.; Bayona, C. & Sánchez, C. 2007. Ciclicidad en la Formación Cerrejón. Boletín de Geología UIS 29: 21-30.
Report by N. Malumián (Chairman), C. Náñez (Secretary)