Annual Report 2006 of South American Regional Committee on Paleogene Stratigraphy

The Regional Committee is preparing a section to be hosted in the web page of the National Geological Survey of Argentina, to include news on the Paleogene, particularly from South America, such as publications, meetings, stratigraphic lexica, and other topics of interest.
The Regional Committee is sponsoring the Fifth Argentinean Ichnologic Meeting and Third Ichnologic Meeting of the Mercosur, to be held on March 28-30 (2007), in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, organized by the Laboratorio de Geología Andina (Chairman: Dr. E. Olivero). A three-day post-meeting field trip is planned to visit the marine Paleogene outcrops on the Atlantic Coast of the Island, one of the few Paleogene localities exposed at southern high latitudes.
Although a complete list of publications is expected to be included in the web page of the Regional Committee, an important contribution to the knowledge of the Paleogene of Ecuador has been reported by Ing. Martha Ordóñez (Petroproducción, Guayaquil): a book entitled “Micropaleontología Ecuatoriana”, by M. Ordóñez, N. Jiménez, J. Suárez and others (2006, 634pp.), published by Petroproducción and Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas Guayaquil. The book includes biostratigraphic and paleoecologic information on the Paleogene of several basins from Ecuador, their stratigraphy, biozonations and microfossils, and a illustrated catalogue of index species (foraminifera, radiolaria, nannofossils and palynomorphs, and microfossils in thin sections).

Report by N. Malumián, Chairman and C. Nañez, Secretary.