CBEP2020-Logo2-long Since 1989 the CBEP con­fe­rence se­ries has been a ve­nue for a self-or­ga­ni­zed com­mu­ni­ty of re­se­ar­chers to sha­re and dis­cuss the la­test and most in­no­va­ti­ve ide­as about Pa­leo­ge­ne Earth sys­tems. Fol­lo­wing on the very suc­cess­ful Snowbird, Utah conference of 2017, CBEP 12 will be the next in­stall­ment of this se­ries, hosted at MARUM – Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences, at the Uni­versity of Bre­men, Germany, on 22-25 August 2022. Re­se­ar­chers world­wi­de who are pus­hing the fron­tiers of our know­ledge of the Pa­leo­ge­ne, and the im­me­dia­te­ly ad­ja­cent Late Cret­aceous and Mio­ce­ne, are invited to present their research in five the­ma­tic are­as:
  • Habitable Planet: Learning from Past Environments
  • Climate, Paleoecology and Paleodiversity
  • Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Tectonics, Surface Environments and Hydrological ProcessesCBEP2020-Logo2-alt
  • New developments, applications and results of Paleoproxies
Registration and abstract submission will open on 21 March 2022! Dowload circulars and follow updates at the CBEP12 webapge.  

Logo by T. Westerhold