Annual Report 2008 on the activity of the Russian Paleogene Commission
Russian Paleogene Commission numbers 45 Members of the Institutes Russian Acad. Sci., Ministry Natural Researches, State Universities and other Organizations (13 towns: Moscow, Saint Petersburgh, Ekaterinburgh, Saratov, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Blagovestchensk, Ufa, Tiymen). 6 Foreign Members from Ukraine (2), Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Georgia.
Members of Paleogene Commission presented papers of different International and Russian, Congresses, Conferences and Meetings (XXXIII Session International Geological Congress (Oslo), {XII International Palynological Congress + VIII Conference IOP (International Organization Paleobotany) (Bonn), International Workshop K/T boundary on the Amur River Area.(Jyain, China), 12 All-Russian Palynological Conference (Saint Petersburgh), All-Russian Micropaleontological Conference (Novosibirsk), All-Russian Paleontological Society (Saint Petersburgh) etc. (more then 50 reports).
There were published 16 papers (reviewing magazines), more then 20 short papers (Materials of Meetings and Conferences) and more then 30 abstracts. To the 33 Session of The International Geological Congress there was prepared special Issue Russian Stratigraphical Commission. One of paper there was information activity of Russian Paleogene sequences studying, main results of last years and tasks of investigations (authors: Akhmetiev M., Nikolaeva I.). 13 Members of the Paleogene Commission had International or Russian grants.
Annual Meeting of the Russian Paleogene Commission took place at April 9, 2008 in All-Russian Geological Institute, Saint Petersburgh. 29 Members of Commission (11 Organization, 6 towns), 2 Ukrainian participants took part at this Meeting.
Timetables1. Akhmetiev M. (Geological Institute Russian Ac. Sci, Moscow) Information Report: «Paleogene Commission activity, 2008, and main directions of Paleogene deposits study of Russia”, corresponding with International Paleogene Subcommission activity.
2. Zakrevskaya E.Yu (State Geological Museum, Moscow). Results of biostratigraphic studying of Gubs River section (West Caucasus) by large foraminifera.
3. Zakrevskaya E.Yu. (State Geological Museum, Moscow). Comparative analysis the Lutetian large foraminifera assemblages northern and southern slopes West Caucasus sections (Gubs and Loo).
4. Beniamovsky V.N. (Geological Institute Russian Ac. Sci., Moscow). The problems of the Lutetian regional zonal planktonic foraminifera scheme and its correlation with large foraminifera zonal scheme (Gubs section, West Caucasus).
5. Oreshkina T.V., Aleksandrova G.N., Iakovleva A.I. (Geological Institute Russian Ac. Sci., Moscow). Correlation of the Boreal Paleogene zonal schemes by diatoms and dinocysts (bore-hole 19-M, Ust’ Manya, West Siberia).
6. Radionova E.P. (Geological Institute Russian Ac. Sci., Moscow). Norway – Greenland Basin Paleogene and correlation with Arctic Paleogene.
7. Sinelnikova V.N. (Geological Institute Russian Ac. Sci., Moscow). Paleogene of Kamchatka peninsula. New paleontological data of the key-sections. Field-works The field investigations took place at the different regions : South Ural and Transuralian, West Siberia, Russian Far East, North Caucasus and Volga River Basin.
The main directions of the Paleogene sequences researches were: 1) Paleogene biosphere events on K/T, P/E, E/O boundaries, their causes and consequences, (Akhmetiev M., Beniamovsky V., Gavrilov Yu., Zaporozhets N., Tscherbinina E. et al.), 2) More detailed biostratigraphical studying aleogene deposits Sambian Peninsula (Baltic sea coast), first of all, using organic walled phytoplankton, pollen and spores. 3. Correlation of Paleocene and Eocene stratigraphic subdivisions Volga River Right bank area deep bore-holes sections to the east of Saratov town by nannoplankton and dinocysts (Vassilieva O., Mussatov V.), 4) North West Pacific Paleogene Diatom stratigraphy worked out by Gladenkov Yu and Oreshkina T. (Kamchatka, Sakhalin), 5) Early Paleogene Stratigraphy and Flora, problem of K/T boundary (International Project support Chinese Ac. Sci) (Russian participants: Kodrul T, Kezina T., Markevich V., Akhmetiev M.), 6) The Cretaceous and Early Paleogene Phytostratigraphy North Eastern Russia (Koryakia) and Northern Alaska (Herman A., Moisseeva M.), 7). Paleogene Evolution of Flora by the biotic and abiotic background. Preliminary results of this theme were presented at Bilbao Meeting (Akhmetiev, Beniamovsky).
Report by M.A. Akhmetiev, Chairman