Annual Report 2007 on the activity of the Russian Paleogene Commission

The Paleogene Commission of the All-Russian Stratigraphical Committee (33 constant members and 5 foreign members) represented different organizations of the Russian Acad. Sci., Ministry of the Natural Researches, State Museums and Universities.
In 2006 Members of Commission took part in 11 International and All-Russian meetings and prepared 28 presentations on different problems of Paleogene stratigraphy, paleontology, paleogeography, events etc.

Directions of investigations (2007:
1. Working out and perfection of the Regional zonal scheme of Russia by different biotic groups.
2. Studying of intervals Paleogene biotic and abiotic events, with their reflections on sedimentation and biota.
3. Monographic study and descriptions important groups of biota.
4. Field investigations with complex paleontological, magnetostratigraphical and isotopic-geochemical studying the main Regional reference sections.
5. The last time micropaleontologists began examine material of the Russian expedition to the North Pole (2007).

Participation on the International and Russian Conferences and Symposia:
April 6-7 2007 – Annual Meeting Russian Paleogene Commission took place in St. Petersburg (All Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI)). 19 members of commission visited to this Meeting.
Agenda of this Meeting
1. Akhmetiev M.A. (Geological Institute Acad. Sci.). Results of activity the Paleogene Commission 2006 and main directions of studying Paleogene deposits of Russia.
2. Akhmetiev M.A., Beniamovsky V.N. (Geological Institute RAS). Paleogene marine communication system Tethys-Turgai strait – West Siberian inner sea – Polar basin (Paleontological, stratigraphical and climatological aspects)
3. Sinelnikova V.N. (Geological Institute RAS). The last biostratigraphical data on the Paleogene Kamchatka.
4. Oreshkina T.V. (Geological Institute RAS). The last data on the Oligocene marine diatom assemblages of the West Kamchatka.
5. Popov S.V., Sychevskaya E.K. (Paleontological Institute RAS), Zaporozhets N.I., Akhmetiev M.A. (Geological Institute RAS). New data on stratigraphy the Oligocene Middle Miocene Maykopian Groups and Pteropoden beds of the North Azerbaijan.
6. Kodrul T.M. (Geological Institute RAS). The Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene floras of the Amur District (Russia) and North China.
7. Beniamovsky V.N. (Geological Institute RAS). Zumaya reference section (North Spain)- candidate of GSSP Selandian and Thanetian. The main criterions.
8. Aleksandrova G.N., Tsherbinina E.A. (Geological Institute RAS).Danian and Selandian dinocysts and nannoplankton of the Eastern Dagestan (North East Caucasus).
Discussion: Aleksandrova G.N., Akhmetiev M.A., Beniamovsky V.N., Kodrul T.M., Sinelnikova V.N. (all Geological Institute RAS), Bugrova E.M., Nikolaeva I.A. (VSEGEI), Schick S.M. (Regional Stratigr. Commission Central European part of Russia).
1. It was recommend reference section Kheu (North Caucasus) like Russian Selandian GSSP limitotype (all grope carbonate and organic- walled biota, rich pollen and spores assemblages, some intervals – siliceous biota).
2. It was recommended continuation studying rich Paleocene and Eocene dinocysts and nannoplankton assemblages in Dagestan with correlation their regional zonal subdivisions.
3. It is necessary to continue studying and inspecting Early Paleocene Tsagayan – type flora on Amur Area (Russian Far East), especially to turn the attention to reproductive organs of angiosperms.
In 2007 Members of Paleogene Commission took part in other conferences. They made presentations. Abstracts of papers, some of them were published.
February 14 2007. Conference “The Early Paleogene Biota and Climate”. It was organized Department of Stratigraphy Geological Institute RAS. There were examined and discussed of decisions Bilbao International Conference (2006).
1. Tsherbinina E.A. P/E and Ypresian events and their appearances in Pyrenees reference sections.
2. Beniamovsky V.N. Proposal Selandian GSSP limitotype in Spain and possibilities traced this level in Russian reference sections.
3. New data Paleogene Stratigraphy by Nummulitidae. There were distributed Nummulitidae in Spanish reference sections (analyses).
4. Radionova E.P. New method of approach to the estimation of the K/T, D/S, P/E, E/O events
February 17 2007. On the Meeting Regional Stratigraphical Committee “Central and South Russian plate”. Beniamovsky V.N. presented information on the result of last field studying Paleogene deposits in Volga River Area, Ulyanovsk-Saratov trough, Eastern part of Donetsk basin and Voronezh anticlyze. He analyzed of the Regional zonal schemes of the microplanktonic groups and their subdivisions correlation (the reference sections:Sengiley, Inza, Djupa ravine and others).
On the Meeting of Ukrainian Paleontological Society May 16-18 2007 Special Ukrainian-Russian Symposium was held on Systematic and Distribution Middle-Late Eocene Foraminifera assemblages in Kantemirovka reference section Voronezh anteclyze. At autumn there was prepared joint project for studying Middle-Late Eocene reference sections.
September 29, and October 4 2007. Akhmetiev M.A. took part International Workshop K/T boundary Heilongjiang River Area and I International Paleontological meeting in Benxi Area (NE China) and presented two topic: K/T boundary on Heilongjang River Area and changes Maastrichtian-Danian Flora and “The Peculiarity of the East Asian Early Paleogene Flora” evolution.
Kryshtofovich Memory Readings (St. Petersburg, October 31 2007). Several papers were presented (Akhmetiev M.A., Moisseva M.G., Herman A.B. and Kodrul T.M.). Early Tertiary North Pacific Floras (Russian Far East, North East Russia, Alaska) and their correlation.

Field work:
Five Field expedition were organized: in Trans-Urals (Vassilieva O.N. Paleocene-Eocene key – sections), Black Sea shore between Adler and Tuapse towns (Radionova E.P., Iakovleva A.I., Paleogene sections), Zakrevskaya E.Yu. (North Caucasus Paleocene and Eocene sections), Popov S.V. (Oligocene reference sections Central and North West Caucasus), Aleksandrova G.N., Tsherbinina E.A. (Dagestan, East Caucasus, Lower Paleogene reference sections).

3 monographies and 26 papers were published 2007. List of papers we should send You to the end of this year. The Monographies such as.
1. Gladenkov A.Ju. “Late Cenozoic detailed stratigraphy and marine ecosystems of the North Pacific Region (based on diatoms). M.: GEOS. 2007. 296 p. (Trans. Geol. Inst. RAS. Vol. 571) In this book – put two chapters on Oligocene Pacific Diatoms assemblages)
2. Akhmetiev M.A., Beniamovsky V.N. In.: The Cretaceous and Paleogene straits of the North Hemisphere (co-authors: Baraboshkin Ye.Yu., Naydin D.P., Herman A.B.). M.: Moscow University, 2007. 157 p.
3. Nikolaeva I.A., Bugrova E.M., Tabachnikova I.P., Aleksandrova G.N., Iakovleva A.I., Zakrevskaya E.Yu. Paleogene system. In.: “Biozonal Stratigraphy of Phanerozoic in Russia”. St. Petersburg All-Russian Geological Research Institute, (VSEGEI). December 2006. 256 p.

Report by M.A. Akhmetiev, Chairman