In 2003-2004 the Ypresian/Lutetian Boundary Stratotype Working Group continued the search of a suitable section in which eventually define the GSSP.
The Punta Torcida section in Argentina was visited and sampled, but unfortunately is not a good candidate, since in shallow marine environments, such as the Austral Basin in Tierra del Fuego, there is a widespread hiatus between the Early and Middle Eocene (Olivero and Malumian, 1999).
The Spanish subgroup was looking for a suitable section in the Betic cordillera (Southern Spain). Recently, a new section has been found in the Agost region about one kilometre far from the section studied by Molina et al. (2000). This new section is better exposed and could be a suitable candidate. Both sections seem to be continuous and show a good record of the Ypresian/Lutetian event caused by a major see level drop.
A detailed study of the Fortuna section, also located in the Betic cordillera, was finished, integrating the data of foraminifera by Gonzalvo, Molina, Ortiz and Thomas, calcareous nannofossils by von Salis, stable isotopes by Schmitz and mineralogy by Mancheño. Furthermore, two papers were published regarding the planktic and small bethic foraminifera, which allowed to recognize a hyperthermal event (Ortiz and Molina, 2003; Gonzalvo and Molina, 2003). The result shows that the Agost section is probably better than the Fortuna section, which was considered the leading candidate section previously.
In order to inform and generate a more active participation a web site was created, that can be visited at the following address:
This web site is up-dated frequently to explain the aims, how and where to define the boundary stratotype, which are the best potential sections, who are participating in the working group and what is the more recent bibliography on the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary.
Molina E., Cosovic V., Gonzalvo C & von Salis K. (2000). Integrated biostratigraphy across the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary at Agost, Spain. Revue de Micropaléontologie. 43(3), 381-391.
Olivero E. B. & Malumian N. (1999). Eocene Stratigraphy of Southeastern Tierra del Fuego Island, Argentina. AAPG Bulletin. 83(2), 295-313.
Ortiz S. & Molina E. (2003). Foraminíferos bentónicos como indicadores de un evento hipertermal en el tránsito Ypresiense-Luteciense del corte de Fortuna (Murcia, Cordillera Bética). Geotemas. 5, 185-188.
Gonzalvo C. & Molina E. (2003). Bioestratigrafía con foraminíferos planctónicos del límite Ypresiense/Luteciense de Fortuna (Cordilleras Béticas, España). Geotemas. 5, 113-116.
Report by Eustoquio Molina, Chairman.