In Agost, Alicante province (Spain) was recently found a good section, which seems to be the most suitable candidate for the definition of the Ypresian/Lutetian Boundary Stratotype. It is a new section placed 1 km west of the section studied by Molina et al. (2000).
Planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy indicated that the new section is more continuous, better exposed and more expanded. The Hantkenina first appearance, which is considered the best correlation criterion, is located in the middle part of the section in a good exposed interval.
As this new section is the most suitable candidate, an exhaustive stratigraphical study is being carried out. The magnetostratigraphical study reveals a series of reversed and normal chrons, which are now being interpreted and integrated with the biostratigraphical data (planktic foraminifera, small benthic foraminifera, larger foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils).
Formal contacts with the local authorities have been initiated in order to preserve the site. If everything goes well the GSSP could be completed and proposed to ISPS in the year 2007.
Report by Eustoquio Molina, Chairman