The Annual Report 2005 on the activity of the Russian Paleogene Commission

1. Review of the research directions

1. Lopatin A.V. (Paleontological Institute RAS) completed working out more detailed Paleogene zonal stratigraphical scheme South Russia and Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Middle Asia) by the small mammals (Logomorpha, Rodentia, Insectivora and others) on the base making more precise system and phylogeny. This investigations can do better correlation of continental sediments these regions, using for geological mapping and reconstruction Central Asian arid belt history.
2. Making more precise Paleogene stratigraphical scheme of Zeya-Bureya sedimentary basin (Amur River Basin) for prognoses and estimation new coalfields by fossil plants and palynological assemblages.
3. Studying of Eocene and Early Oligocene dinocysts assemblages of Kamchatka for working out zonal stratigraphical scheme by this Group (Zaporozhets N.I., Geological Institute RAS). Especially anomalous organic-walled assemblages were studied. They were characterized unusual hydrological and ecological conditions of the marginal Palaeo-Okhotsk sea. Such as typical anomalous assemblage consist Trinovantedinium boreale challenged Eocene and Early Oligocene “red tidis” near Kamchatka and there were accompanied by mass destruction and toxical poisoning different groups of marine biota (fishes, molluscs, phytoplankton). Such as situation there is very similar with recent North Atlantic and North Pacific “red tides”.
4. Kuzmina O.B. (Geological Institute Oil and Gas RAS, Novosibirsk) and Bakieva L.B. (Tyumen State Univ.) continued studying unusual Late Oligocene brackishwater dinocysts assemblage (Turtass Formation, West Siberian Plate). The main components of this assemblage are several species Pseudokomewuia. The closest species were known before only from Eastern Chinese Oligocene deposits (Bohai system basins) and Northern American Miocene lacustrin basins.
5. Aleksandrova G.N. and Radionova E.P. (Both of them Geological Inst. RAS) studied two Late Paleocene dinocysts and diatoms assemblages of key-section Kamyshin Formation (Middle Volga River basin) – Djupa Gorge. More ancient assemblage belonged Transition zones Alisocysta margarita-Apetodinium hyperacantha by dinocysts and Trinacria ventriculosa by diatoms (Thanetian), more jungest dinocyst assemblage – Apectodinium augustum zone (_13- isotopic episode by the Paleocene-Eocene boundary). Two cycles Thanetian sedimentation were determined. Both of them connected with eustatic causes.
6. Aleksandrova G.N., Beniamovski V.N. (both Geological Institute RAS) studied dinocysts and foraminifera assemblages Cretaceous-Paleogene Transitions beds Middle Volga River Basin South Urals. They make more precise regional zonal stratigraphy both of these groups and prepared paleogeographical conclusions. They observed unconformity near Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary.
7. Glezer Z.I. and Grundan E.L. (both of them All-Russian Geological Institute, Saint Petersburg) Studied North Urals diatoms and silicoflagellates assemblages (new key-sections).
8. Nikolaeva I.A. (All-Russian Geological Institute, Saint Petersburg) Completed data-base Paleogene ostracoda zonal assemblages.
2. The Participation on the International and Russian Conferences and Meetings

April 7, 2005 Annual Meeting Russian Paleogene Commission took place in Saint Petersburg (All-Russian Geological Institute, VSEGEI). 22 Members of Commission visited to this Meeting.
Agenda of this Meeting:
1. Akhmetiev M.A. (Geological Institute RAS). Activity of Commission (2005) and condition of preparing volume “Paleogene of Russia” (information).
2. Lopatin A.V. (Palaeontological Institute RAS). Evolutionary history the small Mammalia of Asian Paleogene.
3. Zaporozhets N.I., Sinelnikova V.N., Akhmetiev M.A. (Geological Institute RAS). Unusual the Middle Eocene-Early Oligocene organic-walled assemblages of the West Kamchatka (Russian Far East).
4. Amitrov O.V. (Paleontological Institute RAS). The Paleogene Gastropoda of the Western Kasakhstan, their stratigraphic and palaeographic significance.
5. Beniamovsky V.N. (Geological Institute RAS). The modification of Late Paleocene, Early and Middle Eocene foraminifera assemblages of the North Eastern Peritethys by the influence of abiotic anaerobic events (character, scales, and possible reasons).
6. 0reshkina T.V., Aleksandrova G.N. (both Geological Institute RAS), Kozlova G.E. (All-Russian Oil Geological Prospecting Institute). The Early Eocene Biotic Changes (Kamyshlov section, Sverdlovsk district) by dinocysts, diatoms and radiolaria.
7. Bakieva L.B. (State University, Tyumen, West Siberia). Anomalous organic-walled dinocysts assemblage the Late Oligocene West Siberian Turtass Formation.
8. Akhmetiev M.A. Information on the results of investigation Paleogene depoisits (Russian Arctica).

In 2005 the Members of Paleogene Comission took part in different International, All-Russian and Regional Stratigraphical and Paleontological Meetings and Conferences. They made topics. Abstracts were published the main of them.
1. Paleostrat – 2005 (Moscow Society Natur. History, February) (Beniamovsky V.N.).
2. International conference “Phylogeny of plants” (Biological Faculty Moscow University, February) (Akhmetiev M.A.).
3. 53 session All-Russian Paleontological Society (Conference) (All-Russian Geological Institute (VSEGEI, Saint Petersburg, April) (Beniamovsky V.N., Nikolaeva I.A., Zakrevskaya E.Yu.).
4. International Conference “Modern problems of Paleofloristics, Paleophytogeography and Phytostratigraphy (Geological Institute RAS, Moscow, May) (Aleksandrova G.N, Akhmetiev M.A., Bakieva L.B., Kezina, T.V., Kodrul T.M.).
5. XI All-Russian Palynological Conference (Paleontological Institute RAS, Moscow, September) (Afanasieva N.I., Aleksandrova G.N., Bakieva L.B., Radionova E.P.).
6. Meeting (200-years Moscow Soc. Nature History) (Moscow, Paleontological Inst. RAS, October) (Akhmetiev M.A.).
7. All-Russian Micropaleontological Conference (Geological Institute RAS, Moscow, November) (Aleksandrova G.N., Beniamovsky V.N., Glezer Z.I., Nikolaeva I.A., Oreshkina T.V., Radionova E.P., Stupin S.I.).
8. Meeting (100-years acadenician V.V. Menner) (Geological Inst. RAS, Moscow, November) (Beniamovski V.N.).
9. Meeting (70-years S.V. Meyen) (Geological Inst. RAS, Moscow, December) (Akhmetiev M.A).
3. Field work:

Several expeditionary groups fulfield work:
1. Aleksandrova G.N. and Beniamovski V.N. (both of them Geological Institute RAS) were studied Crimea Transitional Eocene-Oligocene key-section (Kzyl Zhar Mount), for made more precise relation Eocene and Oligocene deposits (interruption or hidden unconformity? etc.).
2. Radionova E.P., Stupin S.I. (both of them Geological Institute RAS), Zakrevskaya E.Yu. studied and sampled by small and large foraminifera (nummulites) and diatoms two sections near Tuapse and two sections Abkhasian flish zone (South Slope of Caucasus) for made more precise regional Paleogene stratigraphical scheme (for geological mapping).
3. Kodrul T.M. (Geological Institute RAS) and Krassilov V.A. (Paleontological Institute RAS) studied new expositional outcrops near Auto-Road Vladivostok-Moscow and coal bearing sections on Arkhara-Boguchan coal field. They collected fossil plants and took palynological samples.
4. Filippova N.Yu (Geological Institute RAS) studied and took palynological samples several North Caucasus key-sections (Oligocene-Miocene Transition).

Monography and Chapters of Monography (Russian with English Summary)
1. Bakieva L.B. Paleogene stratigraphy and dinocysts of Central West Siberian Plate //
Tyumen State University Publ. 2005. 182 p
2. Benyamovsky V.N., Stupin S.I. Foraminifera (Chapter of Monography “Cenozoic
ecosystems of the North Pacific Eocene and Oligocene Western Kamchatka and surrounding
regions”. M.: GEOS, 2005 (in press) (18 p).
1. Akhmetiev M.A. Kazakhstan and Central Asia (Plains and Foothills). Paleogene. (Chapter 8) // Cenozoic Climate and Environmental Changes in Russia // Geol. Soc. of America. Sp. papers. 382. 2005. P. 139–150 (English).
2. Akhmetiev M.A., Beniamovski V.N. The Paleocene and Eocene Russian parts of Western Eurasia (biostratigraphy, sedimentology, paleogeography and climate) // Stratigraphy. Geological Correlation. 2005. Vol. 13. N 6. P. 68–92 (Russian).
3. Bakieva L.B. Paleogeographic features of West Siberia Paleogene on the basis of palynological assemblages and phytoplankton assemblages // Modern problems the Palaeofloristics, Palaeophytogeography and Phytostratigraphy. Materials of the International Palaeobotanical Conference. Vol. 1. M.: GEOS, 2005. P. 17–29 (Russian).
3. Beluzhenko E.V., Kovalenko E.I. To the question on stratigraphical position Oligocene-Miocene boundary at the North Caucasus // Stratigraphy. Geological correlation. 2005.Vol. 13. N 6. P. 92–107 (Russian).
5. Beniamovski V.N. The Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene palaeogeographic scenaria limited of the North Tethys periphery // Biosphera-Ecosystem-Biota during pass the Earth // Palaeogeographic aspects. To the 100 years birhhday academician V.V. Menner. M.: Nauka, 2005. P. 267–308 (Russian).
6. Kvacek Z., Manchester S.R. and Akhmetiev M.A. Review of the fossil history of Craigia (Malvaceae s.l.) in the Northern hemisphere basin on fruits and co-occuring foliage // Modern problem of Palaeofloristics, Palaeophytogeography and Phytostratigraphy. Materials of the International Palaeobotanical Conference. Vol. 1. M.: GEOS, 2005. P. 82 –104 (English).
7. Suzuki S, Sun Ge, Akhmetiev M. and Iwano H. Fission-track zircon age of a tuff sample from the Tsagayan Formation (Danian), the Heilongjiang (Amur) River Area (Russia) // Okayama University Publ. Japan. 2005 (4 pages) (English, in press.)
8. Zakrevskaya E.Yu. Stratigraphic Distribution of Larger Foraminifers in the Paleogene of Northeastern Peritethys // Stratigraphy. Geological Correlation. 2005. V. 13. N 1. P. 66–86 (Russian).
9. Zharov A.E., Bragin N.Yu., Rechkin A.N. The Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene. Stratigraphy of Accretionary Rock Complexes in Tanivo-Aniva Peninsula of Southern Sakhalin // Stratigraphy. Geological Correlation. 2005. V. 13. N 1. P. 87–105 (Russian).
10. S.B. Archibald, A.P. Rasnitsyn and M.A. Akhmetiev. The Ecology and Distribution of Cenozoic Eomeropidae (Mecoptera), and a New Species of Eomerope Cockerell from the Early Eocene McAbee Locality, British Columbia, Canada // Annals Ent. Soc. Am. (in press)
11. A.O. Averianov. The First Choristoderes (Diapsida, Choristodera) from the Paleogene of Asia // Paleontological Journal. 2005. N 1. P. 83–88.
12. A.O. Averianov and A.V. Lopatin. Eocene Lagomorphs (Mammalia) of Asia: 1. Aktashmys (Strenulagidae fam. nov.) // Paleontological Journal. 2005. N 3. P. 81–90.
13. V.D. Ivanov and S.I. Melnitsky. New Caddisfly Species of the Genus Wormaldia (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) from Baltic Amber // Paleontological Journal. 2005. N 3. P. 59–62.
14. A.V. Lopatin. Late Paleogene Erinaceidae (Insectivora, Mammalia) from the Ergilin Dzo Locality, Mongolia // Paleontological Journal. 2005. N 1. P. 96–102.
15. T.P. Malyshkina. New data on Elasmobranchii from Ipresian deposits of Turgai // Annals-2004. Ekaterinburg: IGGUr. Branch RAS, 2005. P. 34–40.
16. T.P. Malyshkina. The Late Eocene Sciliorhinidae (Elasmobranchii: Carcharhiniformes) from the Trans-Urals, Russia // Acta Paleontologica Polonica (in press).
17. T.P. Malyshkina. Paleogene shark fauna development at the West Siberian basin // Materials of International Symposia “Evolution life on the Earth”. Tomsk, 2005 (in press).
18. B.I. Pavlyutkin. Problems in Correlation of the Tertiary Floras of Kraskino and Khanka // Paleontological Journal. 2005. N 2. P. 101–108.
19. O.N. Vassilieva. The Paleogene dinocysts of the Kamyshlov quarry Key section (Middle Transuralian) // Annals-2004. Ekaterinburg: IGG Ur. Branch RAS, 2005. P. 14–21.
20. O.N. Vassilieva and T.P. Malyshkina. Transuralian Paleogene stratigraphy and zonal scale correlation by microphytoplankton and ichtiofauna // Biostratigraphic criteria of the subdivision and correlation Ukranian Phanerozoi. Kiev. 2005. P. 133–136.
18 Absracts to Meetings and Conferences were published.

Head of Russian Paleogene Commission M.A. Akhmetiev
Secretary of Commission G.N. Aleksandrova