Annual Report 2009 on the activity of the Russian Paleogene Commission

Russian Paleogene Stratigraphical Commission numbers about 50 Members now, introduced 17 Geoscientific Organisations Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, St. Petersbourgh, Ekaterinburgh, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok etc) States Universities (Moscow, St. Petersbourgh, Saratov, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Tomsk), the Branches Geological Institutions, Departments and Regional Geological Expeditions of Geological Survey. There are several participants from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Bielorussia, which took part in Paleogene Commission activity. Members of Russian Paleogene Commission published (2009): 1 Monograph, 1 Paleontological Atlas. 13 papers and more then 27 abstracts to International and all Russian Meetings, Symposia and Workshops. Popov S.V., Akhmetiev M.A., Lopatin A.V., Sychevskaya E.K., Andreeva-Grigorovich A.S., Bugrova E.M., Nikolaeva I.A., Zaporozhets N.I. (specialists by malacology, plant megafossils, mammals, fishes, dinocyststs, nannoplankton, foraminifera, ostracodes, organic-walled phytoplankton + pollen and spores) “Paleogeography and biogeography Paratethys basins” Part 1. Late Eocene – Early Miocene // Moscow, Nauchny Mir. 2009, P. 174 + 10 maps (Paleontological Inst. RAS; Transaction Vol. 292). Andreeva-Grigorovich A.S (Ukr.)., Aleksandrova G.N.(Russia), Iakovleva A.I (Russia)., Shevchenko T.V.(Ukr.), Zaporozhets N.I (Russia). Atlas Paleogene dynocysts of the USSR former (Geological Institute Ac. Sci Ukraine, Geological Ins. Russian Ac Sci ) (Explan. text – 45 p and 61 Paleont. plates). Ph.D. and D. Sci Theses (maintained): Dolya Zh. A. (St. Petersburgh). Stratigraphy and Minerageny of the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the south part of West Siberian Plate (Omsk district). (Abstract 22 p.). Zykin V.S. (Novosibirsk). Oligocene and Neogene stratigraphy West and Middle Siberia (stratigraphy, paleogeography and environments) (Abstract 52 p.). Pavlyutkin B.I (Vladivostok). Phytostratigraphy, Paleogene and Miocene Deposits South part of Russian Far East (Abstract 54 p.).
Papers published:
Akhmetiev M.A, Beniamovsky V.N. (2009) Paleogene floral assemblages around epicontinental seas and straits in Northern Central Eurasia: proxies for climate and paleogeographic evolution, Geologica Acta. Vol. 1-2, 297-309.
Gadenkov Ju. B., Beniamovsky V.N. (2009). New data on Paleocene foraminifera Sinegorian horizon, South Sakhalin //Stratigraphy, Geological correlation. V. 17. N 4, 95- 106.
Gavrilov Ju., Shcherbinina E., Golovanova O., Pokrovsky B. (2009). A variety of PETM in different settings, North-Eastern Peri-Tethys // GNS Science Miscellaneous Series 18. P. 66-69.
Radionova, Aleksandrova, Gavtadze, T.T., Stupin S.I., Khokhlova I.E. (2009). Analysis of the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene microplankton from the Kheu River section, West Pre-Caucasus // GSN Science Miscellaneous Series 18. P. 110-115.
Herman A.B., Akhmetiev M.A., Kodrul T.M., Moisseeva M.G., Iakovleva A.I., (2009). Flora Development in Northeastern Asia and Northern Alaska during the Cretaceous-Paleogene Transitional Epoch // Stratigraphy, Geol. Correlation, Vol. 17 N1, P. 88-109.
Oreshkina T.V. (2009). New data on Diatoms marine Paleogene deposits of Western Kamchatka// Stratigraphy, Geological Correlation.Vol. 17 N3 P. 105-119.
Shcherbinina E.A., Aleksandrova G.N. (2009). High-Resolution Paleogene Study of nannofossil and dinocysts assemblages from the Eastern Caucasus, Southern Russia // GNS. Science Miscellaneous Series, 18. P. 122-128.
Vassilyeva O.N., Mussatov V.A. (2009). Paleogene nannoplankton and dinoflagellate cysts biostratigraphy of Northern Prycaspian Depression // GNS Science Miscellaneous Series 18, P.148-153.
Beniamovsky V.N. (2009). Dnieper-Donets basin – is connecting link between North-Western Eurasia seas by benthonic foraminifera // Transaction of Geological Inst. Ukrain. Ac. Sci . Kiev, p. 207-211.
Vassilieva O.N., Mussatov V.A. (2009). Paleogene biostratigraphy of Northern Prycaspian depression // Stratigraphy. Geol. Correlation. 30 p. (in press).
Akhmetiev M.A., Walter H., Kvachek Z. (2009). Mid latitude Paleogene Floras of Eurasia bound the volcanic setting and paleoclimate events experience obtained the Far East Russia (Sikhote-Alin) and Central Europe. (Charles Univ. publ.) (in press) , 70 p.
Akhmetiev M.A. (2009). Paleocene and Eocene Floristic and Climatic Change in Russia and Northern Kazakhstan (in press) (publ. in Great Britain).
Kezina T.V. (2009). To the Paleocene age of Wuyun Formation (China) by palynological data // Stratigraphy., Geological Correlation 2008 (in press)
Symposia and Meetings:
Paleogene Commission Members took part in 9 International and Russian Meetings and Symposia and had 27 presentations.
CBER 2009 Wellington, New Zealand (Beniamovsky, Gavrilov, Shcherbinina, Vassilieva, Mussatov, Iakovleva) (12-15 January 2009).
Paleostrat – 2009 Moscow) (Annual Meeting of Paleontol. Section Natural History Soc (Moscow) (Beniamovsky) (February, 2009).
LIV Session Paleontological Society St Petersburgh (Beniamovsky) (6-9 April 2009).
Sino-Russian Symposium on Evolution and Development of Eastern Asian Flora based on Paleontological Data Guangzhou, China, (Akhmetiev, Herman, Kodrul) November 24-29 2009.
International Symposium on Geoscienses in Northeast Asia, Changchun, China 27-28 2009.
7-Micropaleontolological workshop Micro-2009, Poland) (Beniamovsky) September 2009.
Diatom- 2009 Conference Minsk, Byelorussia (Oreshkina) September 2009.
8-International Symposium on the Cretaceous system Plymouth University (Great Britain) 6-12 September (Probleme K/T boundary) (Beniamovsky).
Annual Paleogene Commission Meeting St Petersburgh. 8-9 April 2009 (17 participants).
Program of this Meeting:
Akhmeiev M.A. Introduction. and Information about Paleogene Commission Activity 2008 and main problems to 2009.
Beniamovsky V.N. Information about Meeting “Climate and Biota Events SBER– 2009”
Oreshkina T.V., Aleksandrova G.N. “New Data on diatoms and dinocysts PETM Transuralian zone (Volga River Basin)
Popov S.V., Akhmetiev M.A., Sychevskaya E.K., Zaporozhets N.I. New Data oh Maykopian Group stratigraphy (North Azerbaijan).
Study and sampling borehole material (K/T Boundary to Oligocene) (4 boreholes to 400-500 m) South Part of West Siberian Plate (Omsk district) (Foraminifera, Diatoms, Dinocysts) (Beniamovsky, Aleksandrova).
Study and sampling borehole 13) 200 km south-west from Volgograd (Paleocene-Eocene deposits 250 m) (Nannoplankton, Fotaminifera, Dinocysts, Pollen and Spores, Mollusks, Nummulites) (Popov, Zastrozhnov, Beniamovsky, Aleksandrova, Tabachnikova, Zaporoxhets, Zakrevskaya).
Central Dagestan Area sections (nannoplankton, palynology) (Aleksandrova G.N., Shcherbinina E.A.). (Gerga River Area sections), Danian and Zelandian deposits. Upper Dzhengutay village vicinity (Thanetian- Ypresian deposits). Chirkey-water reservoir (Lower part of Maylopian Group (Oligocene).
The main results of studying Paleogene deposits:
Reconstruction paleogeography, environment, biotic and abiotic changes on the main Paleogene biospheric events (South Russia, West Siberian plate Far East) Correlation of regional subdivisions based on different biotic groups. Paleoclimatic reconstructions and reflections of climatic events on different biotic groups. Detail regional zonal subdivisons by different microplanktonic groups. The Transition “Warm”-to “Cool” biosphere in Central Part of Extratropical Eurasia.
Report by M.A. Akhmetiev, Chairman