As of November 17th 2021, Hans Peter (Hamper) Luterbacher passed away. He was born in 1938 in Basel, Switzerland, and had graduated in 1960 at the Geological-Paleontological Institute of the Basel University, under the tutoring of Prof. Manfred Reichel. In the early sixties, at Bottaccione (Gubbio), he established with Isabella Premoli Silva the first biostratigraphic […]
Category Archives: Deep-Water Foraminifera
Soon out, a unique, global compilation of deep-sea benthic foraminifera as tracers of Paleogene global change: Alegret, L., Arreguín-Rodríguez, G. J., Trasviña-Moreno, C.A., Thomas, E. (in press). Turnover and stability in the deep sea: benthic foraminifera as tracers of Paleogene global change. Global and Planetary Change, in press.
Chairwoman: Laia Alegret (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Secretary: Gabriela de Jesús Arreguín-Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico) Former Chairman: Michael A. Kaminski (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia) The scope of the Working group is to contribute to the main objectives of ISPS by studying deep-water benthic […]