Focus on the Paleogene with the third issue of the year of Newsletter in Stratigraphy, published on May 1st. The host editors Simonetta Monechi, Noël Vanderberghe and Laia Alegret introduce the volume with an editorial on “Advances in Paleogene research”, followed by six original papers on several topics of interest for the stratigraphy of this […]
Category Archives: Lutetian news
The Paleogene section of the Il’pinskii Peninsula in northeastern Kamchatka is a reference section for the North Pacific rim. The marine sedimentary succession, 2500m-thick and ranging from the Paleocene to Oligocene, forms one of the northernmost Paleogene sections in the Pacific to yield Paleogene calcareous plankton. Several studies have been dedicated to the study of […]
At the forthcoming Strati 2015 meeting in July, ICS will award two prizes, the Digby McLaren Medal and the ICS Medal, awarded to outstanding geoscientists every four years. The first awards were made at the 32nd IGC in Florence, 2004; the second and third at the 33rd and 34th IGC in Oslo, 2008 and in Brisbane, […]
The current available Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZs) calibration based on larger foraminifera is now being improved for the Paleogene Period. In a recently published study (Rodríguez-Pintó et al. 2013) on the San Pelegrín section in the External Sierras, new magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic information from the Southwestern Pyrenean basin are shown, where the larger thickness of […]