Focus on the Paleogene with the third issue of the year of Newsletter in Stratigraphy, published on May 1st. The host editors Simonetta Monechi, Noël Vanderberghe and Laia Alegret introduce the volume with an editorial on “Advances in Paleogene research”, followed by six original papers on several topics of interest for the stratigraphy of this period of “significant and extreme changes in the Earth’s climate and biota”.
The special issue contains the following original papers:
Galeotti, S., Moretti, M., Sabatino, N., Sprovieri, M., Ceccatelli, M., Francescone, F., Lanci, L., Lauretano, V., Monechi, S. (2017). Cyclochronology of the early Eocene carbon isotope record from a composite Contessa Road-Bottaccione section (Gubbio, central Italy). Newsletters on Stratigraphy 50, 231-244, doi: 10.1127/nos/2017/0347.
Intxauspe-Zubiaurre, B., Payros, A., Flores, J.-A., Apellaniz, E., (2017). Changes to sea-surface characteristics during the middle Eocene (47.4 Ma) C21r-H6 event: evidence from calcareous nannofossil assemblages of the Gorrondatxe section (western Pyrenees). Newsletters on Stratigraphy 50, 245-267, doi: 10.1127/nos/2017/0305.
Cotton, L.J., Zakrevskaya, E.Y., van der Boon, A., Asatryan, G., Hayrapetyan, F., Israyelyan, A., Krijgsman, W., Less, G., Monechi, S., Papazzoni, C.A., Pearson, P.N., Razumovskiy, A., Renema, W., Shcherbinina, E., Wade, B.S., 2017. Integrated stratigraphy of the Priabonian (upper Eocene) Urtsadzor section, Armenia. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 50, 269–295, doi: 10.1127/nos/2016/0313.
Newsam, C., Bown, P.R., Wade, B.S., Jones, H.L., (2017). Muted calcareous nannoplankton response at the Middle/Late Eocene Turnover event in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 50, 297-309, doi: 10.1127/nos/2016/0306.
King, D.J., Wade, B.S. (2017). The extinction of Chiloguembelina cubensis in the Pacific Ocean: implications for defining the base of the Chattian (upper Oligocene). Newsletters on Stratigraphy 50, 311-339, doi: 10.1127/nos/2016/0308.
Egger, H., Briguglio, A., Rögl, F. (2017). Eocene Stratigraphy of the Reichenhall Basin (Eastern Alps, Austria, Germany). Newsletters on Stratigraphy 50, 341-362, doi: 10.1127/nos/2016/0333.